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~ Sound Bath can provide support for: stress, burn-out, psychological and emotional problems.


~ Sound Bath is a deeply relaxing holistic treatment

~ It works on body and mind


~ You can book it for yourself or as a gift for someone else

~ Is taking time for yourself  

Sound experience lying down concert
for deep relaxation

with crystal singing bowls, meditative singing and drum;

for small groups tailor-made


Sound experience lying concert is an ancient meditative technique with
its roots in Tibet. The power of sound and vibration is one of the
oldest medicines in the world. Singing bowls are used worldwide for healing and meditation purposes. This form of therapy is based on the belief that energy vibrates at different speeds in the body.

I use crystal singing bowls for this session. The vibration of the crystal singing bowl can have a profound effect on the body and mind. The sounds of the bowls 'harmonize' the cells with their frequencies, bringing the body and mind into balance. Singing bowls also have a positive effect on brainwave frequencies and can help shift the brainwaves from the usual beta - the daily thinking and stress mode to alpha, theta or delta states which are responsible for deep relaxation, rejuvenation and tranquility.


Sound Experience lying down concert is focused on deep relaxation that can help you find peace and release deep-rooted tensions in body and mind. These sessions are for anyone looking for deep rest and relaxation, but also for people who are dealing with chronic tension, burnout, anxiety and sleep problems.


You can experience sound in combination with Holistic Energetic Massage XL , Private Mini Retreat or during Restorative Yoga XL on every 2nd Sunday of the month at Home of Zen, in Arnhem.


It is also possible to book a Klanbeleving lying concert for yourself or for a small group of people at a location of your choice. Concerts are tailor-made and can include meditation, breathwork, voice, yoga and deep relaxation exercises. If you are interested and would like to know more, you can contact me via the link below.


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Sound Bath  

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